Buying Steel Tip Shoes

Fashion Shoes

Purchasing poorly fitting steel tipped shoes or boots can be absolutely horrendous on feet that are forced to wear them. Steel tips are not altogether the most comfortable shoe ever produced to begin with. Forcing a foot into an ill-fit pair is reticent of slowly breaking the toes one by one on a daily basis.

Steel tipped shoes or boots are quality protection for the feet in construction jobs, jobs in the automotive industry, some manufacturing jobs, and of course any project or profession that requires safety gear to prevent injury.

Most professions that require steel tipped boots or shoes are professions associated with physical labor and labor that is intensive and permits for very little sitting down. This causes the feet to sweat and swell, especially in hot weather. This creates less room for the foot to increase inside the shoe. If you equate a steel tip shoe or boot to a metal cast that would be used for a broken leg, there obviously isn’t much give to these shoes.

The two main reasons that people replace their steel tipped boots or shoes is because of a lack of comfort or because wear holes have formed on the tips of the shoes. It takes many years for a quality pair of steel tipped shoes or boots to break down and need replacing for lack of support.

Steel tipped boots and shoes are really quite expensive as far as shoes go. It is unreasonable to continuously replace them due to lack of comfort while wearing them. It is much more financially sound to buy a good fitting pair and get the use out of them that is perfectly possible.

Buying steel tipped shoes or boots at the end of a work day is naturally the best time to insure a good fit. Your feet will be only slightly less swollen than they are at the end of the work day, although in some cases they will actually be more swollen than any other time of the day. This allows you to judge whether there will be enough room in the toes throughout the entire day in your new steel tips.

Despite their overall lack of comfort, steel tipped shoes and boots provide excellent protection against broken toes on the job. They are remarkably durable and if the right fit is made at the time of purchase, can last several years of good quality service.