Coco Channel

A remarkable woman named Gabrielle Chanel was born in France in 1883. She would become famous with her nickname, an icon of the fashion world and one of the most influential women of the 20th century. Coco Chanel revolutionized haute couture and is still revered today. Her beginnings were humble and she was taught to sew by nuns at the orphanage where she was placed.

The budding designer’s first foray into fashion came when she started to design hats. This led to the opening of her millinery shop in 1910. The career advancement of Coco Chanel was rapid and she opened her first couture house five years later. Women have a lot to thank her for. Not only did she provide an early example of a woman being successful in business, she also was responsible for getting rid of the corset! She sealed a reputation for designing clothes that were simply elegant and stylish but also comfortable.

Early successes in her range swept through high society, eventually filtering down to the woman in the street. Celebrities and aristocracy flocked to buy her creations, including the famous Coco Chanel suit. She also made the little black dress, as it came to be known, an indispensable item in every woman’s wardrobe. Remarkably, she held the position of Chief Designer for the label until her death in 1971.

The range is not limited to clothes and Coco Chanel expanded into other lucrative enterprises from an early stage. The world famous Chanel no.5 perfume was launched in 1921 and costume jewelry followed three years later. Men would have to wait for their first eau de toilette until 1981 when Antaeus came on the market. Today, the product range includes clothes, accessories, watches, sunglasses and jewelry. The fashion line includes ready to wear. The company is still a big player on the world stage and is successfully led by German designer, Karl Lagerfeld.

The icon has been portrayed on the Broadway stage and on screen. Katherine Hepburn played her in the 1970 musical production of Coco with words and music by Andre Previn and Alan Jay Lerner. A film called Coco Before Chanel is scheduled for release in 2008 and stars French actress Audrey Tatou. It tells the intriguing story of her life before she achieved fame. Coco Chanel, despite an all consuming career also managed to have a very complicated love life. Her enduring legacy however, is the classic designs she brought to women’s fashion.

Wedding bands for men suits their style better than anything

Wedding bands are available in various models and various styles. If you think that this is modeled in a very common particular way then you are misunderstanding. With the shape of band unchanging designers are randomly and tirelessly recreating new models and designs. Matching the demand of the market and the consumer wedding bands are coming in the way of fashion world in new trends and styles and fashions and complimenting the trends of modern men.

These days men are as much fashion conscious as women are. Therefore mens wedding bands need to be more innovative and minutely designed. Wedding bands of today necessarily have to be more and more stylish which can be compatible with the personality and style of todays men society. It represents their fashion as well. It’s very important that wedding bands come in all styles and variations, so that they meet the expectations of mens fashion, styles and tastes. Men when choose a wedding band for them consider several things and factors. Various aspects and features of a wedding band determine the wedding bands ultimate price. If it is studded with a diamond then carat weight and the diamonds cutting and quality everything is going to be important to fix its price. The metal which is used for making the wedding band is also very important as gold will be more costly than silver , platinum will be more precious comparing with gold, and many other metals. The metals that make up the composite of the band can also determine the final price. There will be a large price difference between a gold-plated wedding band and a solid gold wedding band. Not only diamonds but other gemstones like ruby, emerald, Safire etc also have their respective carat weight. Design details, including intricate cuts, overlays, engravings and carvings, will also determine the price of a wedding band.

If you choose a wedding band having a standard setting then it can be less costly but if you want to buy a wedding band of unique design or of an extravagant design then you have to spend some more bucks then the first. There are matching wedding bands for women and men both. As some couples prefer today matching wedding rings r wedding bands therefore companies are producing these types of bands. Couples prefer identical rings or bands which usually consist of plain gold bands, with the woman’s band being slightly lighter and thinner. Other couples may use coordinating sets of wedding bands. These feature two bands that are different and show off their own personality, but when placed together easily match up to create a beautiful set. There are even sets of wedding bands that allow for a complementing engagement ring, so that all three rings fit together perfectly, and show off as a perfect match. You can shop from any reputed jewelry shop, it is completely upto you. From where you will buy your wedding bands it should comprises of the factors like the price and other things like better design and trusted shop.

Perfect Woman Designer Dresses

If you are a trend setter who likes to be known for a strong style statement, then you definitely have a fetish for designer clothes which sets you apart from the crowd. Designer clothes help you to maintain your individuality and uniqueness coz they are exclusive pieces meant for exclusive people which you won’t find everywhere.If you are short, it focuses on incorporating vertical details and patterns such as piping and vertical lines. If you have full bust, it will focus on lengthening your neckline and draw the eye up to the face with open necklines such as V-necks and sweetheart necklines. If you have small bust, the bust defining empire waist styles works better.

Our recommendations focus on highlighting your strengths and camouflaging your weakpoints.

Lets look at women with different body types to see what kind of recommendations it will come up with. If you have curvy figure, it will try to highlight your curves and minimize the details at the bottom and top with dresses such as wraps, shifts, A-lines, and belted shirtdresses. If you have pear shape, it will try to pull attention to the top with dresses such as empire waist. It will add details at the top and keep the details at the bottom to minimum. If you have column shape figure, it will focus on enhancing the curves with bias cuts and horizontals and more details at the bust and bottom.

Recently, a personalized shopping search engine, was introduced. This shopping search engine has built in intelligence to help you find your perfect dresses. It takes into consideration, your body type, style, and trends to help you find your perfect formal dress, cocktail dress, evening dress, designer dress or prom dress. also looks at your hair color, skin color, and eye colors and tones to figure what types of colors will work best for you. Above all, the personalized search engine gives high priority to the features that go well with your preferences.

Prescription Glasses – Cheap Glasses Online

Buying Prescription Glasses is Now Easy

Do you think that spectacles are too personal and customized a product to be purchased online? Well, its time to re-think on it. There are several online stores that offer a stunning range of frames at astonishingly low prices. A quick look at some of these stores can drive home the point.

Online Stores Options and Advantages is one such user friendly online store that has emerged as one of the frontline avenues to purchase prescription glasses and sunglasses. From the simple full rimmed glasses to stylish rimless and extravagant designer glasses, the store offers everything.

One of the greatest advantages of buying glasses online is the cost effectiveness. While purchasing from a real store or optometrist, you not only pay for the glasses, but additionally end up paying for the rent of the store, salaries of the salespersons and large mark-ups. The online medium has low overhead costs, the benefits of which are passed on to the customers.

Unlike the real stores, the online sellers source the spectacles directly from the frame and lens manufacturers. This in turn reduces the cost of the overall product extensively. Customers only need to submit their prescription while placing their order on an online spectacles store for a particular frame. The lenses are then manufactured according to the prescription, then embedded in the frame and shipped directly to the address provided.

It is important that customers are ready with their prescription while ordering prescription glasses online.

Buying online is also an extremely convenient option. Websites categorize large number of glasses more precisely than any real store on the High Street. Visitors on the website can easily browse through the website by flipping through the pages, select the frame and order online.

While browsing through the online stores, visitors can themselves compare different frames rather than rely on the recommendations of the salespersons. The online glasses shops also have very lenient and customer-friendly return policies. However, it is recommended that customers read the fine print in detail so that they are aware of all the policies before they make the purchase.

Also, these online stores often give offers that most traditional stores cannot match. Thus, it is important that customers learn to cash upon these offers and get the best deals.

The Web has successfully managed to overcome the obstacles that were inherent to optometry. Thus, visitors no longer feel apprehensive while buying spectacles on the Internet.

Hair care some dos and donts

Hair care: For hair care we always sterns on our shampooing and conditioning, but we ignore other things as well. Other things like brushing, combing, toning, oiling. All these things are equally important to keep your hair fit and sound. We brush our hair harshly; do not follow the right way. Combing is also like that. We dry our hair by rubbing which is a big no for wet hair. So, these small detailing are so much important for a healthy hair. These small but effective effort will save your hair and control the hair fall.

Drying: After shampooing, toning and conditioning drying is the most vital step that determines the state of your hair largely. Wrap a towel on your wet hair and wait for few minutes. The extra conditioner and moisturizer will be soaked and now open the wrap. You can dry hair by your finger and sit under a fan. In winter season you can also dry hair sitting under sun. Always towel dry your hair. Do not rub hair harshly or scratch your scalp. Wet hair is very weak and vulnerable so that way of handling can cause hair breakage and hair fall. Hair dryer can be used. But distribute the heat blow and do not blow the hot air on a particular area for a long time and set the temperature coolest. Do not dry up your hair completely. Stop your before that, or when your locks are slightly wet. Nozzle using is unnecessary because this type of stuff tours on one area and thus dries that particular area so much. And that is not required for hair.You can comb your wet hair but brushing wet hair is not a good idea. It causes hair breakage. And uproot of hair.

Combing: Comb your hair gently with wide toothed comb, which also has a long handle to catch it. The tooth of the comb should be soft and rounded. Sharp-toothed scratches scalp and cause irritation of the scalp. Comb in a particular way.Its better to comb your hair from up to down and avoid tangles while combing.

Brushing: While brushing make sure that your hair is not wet. Brushing is quite good for your hair. It stimulates blood in the scalp. It also frees your hair from dust, dead cells and tangles. For brushing the shape of the brush is quite critical.It is recommended to brush with natural bristles and with rounded tips. Rounded bristles stimulates blood and sebum in your scalp. Boar or nylon bristles are good to be used in a bristles. Boar carry natural oil and it moisturize your hair. Nylon bristles exfoliates the scalp. So both are good for brushing. These have to be mentioned in order to maintain in order to maintain your lovely locks.

Your hair is valuable and take care of it properly. Too much exposure of the hair to the sun rays and dust etc. are harmful for your hair. Sun rays are very much harmful for your hair. It makes your hair brittle and weak. Not only sun but also air pollution and dust make tour hair prone to breakage and damage. Use a scarf before stepping out in the sun and carry an umbrella in your bag. For preventing scalp infection. And avoid using others towel and hair products. It is not healthy. Another thing is also worth noticing. That is do not tie your hair tightly with your rubber band, hair pin or clip. Tie it loosely and not tightly. Use of rollers, curlers, crimpers etc. are not so good for your hair.Perming the hair should also be avoided.

Replica Handbags When originals and replicas make one! only manufactures the finest designer bag replicas on the market… We know this statement may sound pretentious, though this is what our clients say about our true 7 star replica handbags… If we also tend to believe it, this forces our company to keep the highest quality requirements, always pushing further the limits in crafting perfect imitations.

All our replica handbags, purses and wallets are proudly manufactured by Chinese, in China! For the pleasure of our most demanding worldwide clientele, we manufacture a very wide “replica collection”, starring Louis Vuitton replica handbags and wallets, prestigiously followed by copies of bags by Chanel, Fendi, Marc Jacobs, Dior, Gucci,Yves Saint Laurent, Balanciaga, Miu Miu, Thomas Wylde, Alexander McQueen, Mulberry, Jimmy Choo and Juicy Couture. And many more are on the way…

Our true seven star mirror image replica handbags have reached such perfection that even if you mention people there are replicas, they would just not believe you!

At last, thanks to, originals and replicas make one!

Authentic Designer Handbags: have they got to be unaffordable?

When thinking about authentic designer handbags, the first idea that comes up is certainly the painful price tag they come along with!

For the greatest pleasure of their clients, those original brands are always coming up with new purses, and make new models always more desirable. No matter how much you needed the previous designer shoulder bag you bought, their next designer handbag will be more desirable!

Would you like to purchase the LV authentic bag of your dreams and impress all your friends, you do not necessarily need to get in trouble with your banker! And you would also impress all your friends who would enviously wonder how you could have afforded the Louis Vuitton purse bag they do not even dare to dream of! They would for sure not suspect you would have bought a LV replica handbag from! will also allow you make priceless handbag gifts to your friends and beloved ones, without them knowing how much you really spent! Would your best friend care for a Balanciaga purse for a birthday? Or maybe a Miu Miu handbag? How happy would be your mother to get a Christian Dior purse on Mother’s Day? Can you imagine the smile on your father’s face when unwrapping a Louis Vuitton wallet! Designer Handbags: we think quality and service!

If we market 7 star replica handbags at wholesale prices, at Ereplicabags, you will find no cheap imitations! Indeed, our quality and service chart is not only present and enforced at all levels, but it has naturally become a state of mind and a way of life for all our collaborators. We all think quality and service and do not allow the association of replica handbags to low quality fake bags.

Our state of the art factory integrates ISO 2001 management. We have also reinforced quality control procedures in our factory: in order to guarantee the lowest possible defect rate, all our replica luggage, handbags, purses and wallets are checked no less than 3 times. A first control is implemented at the end of the production line and a second one before items are packed to be shipped out. The third control comes in the form of a random check, opening some packages and checking one last time your Jimmy Choo replica handbag prior to pick up of the parcels by our shipping agents. Perfection is indeed our obsession!

Characteristics of a Well-Made Gucci Handbag

Gucci has come a long way since it was opened as a small leather store in 1921 in Florence, Italy. Since then, the brand has developed into one of the worlds most esteemed fashion houses. For style-conscious women everywhere, owning a Gucci purse, Gucci wallet, or a pair of Gucci sunglasses is the ultimate status symbol.

As the brands popularity has grown over the decades, thousands of companies have profited from selling knock-off Gucci purses. Not all replicas are bad — there are plenty of imitation handbags that use the same premium materials as Gucci and adhere to high standards of quality, giving consumers an economic alternative to authentic designer purses. But there are also many replica purse sellers that use shoddy materials and shortcuts, resulting in bags that dont respond well to wear and tear.

Whats the best way to distinguish a high-quality Gucci purse or replica? Its easy if you know what to look for:

Inspect the logo. A bad knock-off may have an inaccurate logo with off-kilter spacing, typographical errors, or a slight smudginess. When looking at a monogrammed Gucci bag, the “Gs” should all be of equal proportion.

Examine the stitching. Authentic Gucci bags and good replicas should have neat, small stitches. Watch out for large or uneven ones, as these indicate that the bag was quickly and cheaply constructed.

All hardware — including zippers, snaps, and buttons — should be evenly and securely attached to the purse. Be wary of metals that are dull or tarnished.

Check the liner to make sure its sewn neatly inside the purse. If its sagging or uneven, thats a sign that the purse wasnt properly made.

High-quality Gucci purses are made with one continuous piece of leather. Check to make sure there arent seams where multiple pieces were stitched together.

On a high-quality Gucci handbag, the colors should be bright and vivid. Poorly made bags may have faded or muted hues.

The colors of the leather and fabrics should be vibrant and true-to-life. If a bag has a dull or washed-out appearance, or if it just looks “off” somehow, keep looking for another purse.

Gucci knock-off wallets will sometimes have red and green stripes, while the real thing will be striped in blue and red.

Check the handbag straps to make sure theyre of the appropriate thickness, are made from genuine leather, and have the same small, neat stitching as the rest of the bag.

To convey a high level of authenticity, youll want to make sure your Gucci purse has the gold-embossed message “Gucci Made in Italy” or “Gucci Parfums” somewhere on the strap or handbag.

Educate yourself on the traits of the distinct purse collections. For example, the monogrammed vinyl on Gucci satchel bags should be brown and blue with coordinating leather trim, with a twill racing stripe somewhere on the bag. On the Gucci Accessory Collection bags, the brown exterior should be accented with a red and green stripe. If youre considering a navy doctor bag from the G.A. collection, look for a blue and red stripe.

Whether youre shopping for an authentic Gucci handbag or are enjoying the cost savings of purchasing a replica, take the time to check for signs of quality and durability. If a handbag is made from shoddy materials and seems hastily constructed, it could very well end up being a waste of your money — even if the price tag seems amazingly low. Real Gucci purses are made with premium Italian leathers, rugged fabrics, and tarnish-resistant metals. Look for nothing less when shopping for your Gucci purse!

Cross Country Sneakers Will Get You There

Are you training for a marathon, or perhaps just enjoy an early morning run around the block? If so, you need the proper shoes to keep your feet comfortable and safe so you are able to run to your fullest potential. Cross country shoes are perfect for the woman who plans on doing any long distance running. Whether you want to run your way to the finish line or just take a leisurely walk in your neighborhood, you need to wear a pair of cross country sneakers.

Nike has a very stunning sneaker called the Jana Star Waffle Cross Country Racing Shoe. If you want to really stand out while you are our running, you will in this lightweight mesh blue sneaker. You will find that the traction on the sole will provide comfort and durability while you are running on the pavement and the EVA wedge will help cushion your feet the entire time you are on them. No one needs their feet to hurt while they are out getting their exercise now do they?

Newton Running Women’s Performance Racer is chic and fun with it’s vibrant pink color, but this shoe is not only for fashion. This lightweight sneaker is breathable and will dry quickly if you find yourself getting caught in a sudden rainstorm. The sock liner is anti-bacterial and the rubber soles really allow you to be tough on them without anything standing in your way. If you are ‘going green’ you will love to know that these shoes are made out of recyclable laces, webbing and soles. Not only are you doing something good for yourself when you are wearing these sneakers, but you are also helping the environment as well.

The Mizuno Wave is one heck of a durable sneaker. It contains comfortable cushioning and tough soles to help you running hard; so tough in fact that these shoes also have metallic spikes. You are able to wear these sneakers while you are training outdoors on the pavement or in the dirt, or if you run on an indoor track. These spikes will give you the ultimate traction for wherever you decide to do your running.

Want to wear a pair of sneakers with a name that has been trusted for years? Adidas Spikeless Shoe is a great option when you want a trusted name in sports and plan on doing some aggressive running. This shoe has the ultimate grip so you can run all over and never loose your traction. Plus this shoe is able to evenly distribute pressure all over the shoe so you stay comfortable for a longer period of time.

Maybe you are looking for a sneaker that can allow you to choose whether or not you want to run on spikes or keep your feet flat on the ground. The New Balance cross country racing shoe has removable spikes on the soles, while providing you with maximum comfort. The Rock Stop plate that is implanted in the forefoot will help keep you protected from whatever may be lurking on the ground. Nothing will be able to stand in your way with these shoes!

As a runner, you need a shoe that will be able to keep up with your intensively active lifestyle. Stop wearing sneakers that aren’t meant for you, and start wearing cross country ones instead!

Few Interesting Tips to clean and care for your Leather Jackets

Once you get a beautiful leather jacket, maintaining its real beauty may be difficult. When you put more money on leather jacket, you wants to take care for your jacket and you dont wants to clean wrong way. Taking proper care of a jacket prevents from scratching, cracking and drying and it helps to keep the leather strong.

Normally girls use to wear leather skirts because it is very comfort and it looks in a variety of way. Leather skirts and leather shorts are very soft, smooth and flexible so it requires good maintenance.

Here some tips giving for caring and cleaning your leather jacket or any other leather material or dresses.

When you will buy jacket, apply water proofing product to keep your jacket looking as best as possible into the future.
You should apply a leather protector or leather conditioner at least once in a year.
Using of silicones, alcohol substances, turpentine substance, waxes, mineral spirits and any leather preparations on your leather jacket should be avoided because these can destroy the leather jacket.
Dont put leather jackets into washing machine. You can use baby shampoo or a mild soap with water to wash the leather jacket.
If you want to give touch up to your jacket you can use a light spray cleaner. This will help in getting dust from jacket outer surface.
Leather jackets cleaning can be done with the use of a shoe brush or mohair brush. If you use any one of these tools you should have the capacity to get excellent results each time.
Use plain soap and water whether your jacket made of processed leather like motorcycle and aviation jackets.
When you have drop salt in your leather material, clean the material by sponging with clean water.
The better way to clean your leather material, to go to a professional cleaner.
Always use a wooden hanger or padded hanger to hang a leather jacket.
Folding the leather jacket may cause creases. To remove creases from leather, use a heavy paper between the iron and the jacket and then iron it, iron is set to a low heat level.
To darken the leather, use animal fats or mink oil.
To bring shine back to a leather skirt, use a polishing agent with a buff.
Blood or food can be removed by water, oil or grease can be removed by sprinkling the area with blackboard chalk and letting the chalk for 24 hour.

A Brief History of Clarks Shoes

A family business for over 179 years, Clarks Shoes has led the way in shoe manufacturing, becoming one of the leading brands of shoes in the world. The success of Clarks Shoes can be attributed to the family behind the company. They have been, and are still to this day, committed to producing a high quality product for every man, woman and child in the world. Their dedication and hard work, coupled with their awareness of market trends and future technologies, has ensured the success and longevity of the Clarks Shoe Company. Getting its starts from humble beginnings, Clarks Shoes quickly and effectively moved forward, giving the company a place in the shoe industry for almost 200 years, surpassing any other.

In 1825 England, a man named Cyrus Clark decided to tan sheepskin rugs, and inadvertently set the wheels in motion for what is known as the world’s #1 shoe brand, Clark Shoes. In 1830, Cyrus’s brother James was to credit for creating the first sheepskin slippers using Cyrus’s tanned sheepskin. With the purchase of the newly invented Singer Sewing machine in 1856, the brothers were able to ease the assembly of their sheepskin slippers for their consumers, and production began to thrive.

Soon after, William Clark introduced a line of foot friendly shoes named the Hygienic Line that followed the natural shape of a foot. This creation would soon prove to be a significant one, as the foot friendly shoe became what was expected of any shoe that Clarks produces. In the early 20th century, John, Roger, and Alice Clark respond to changing fashions by paying close attention to the development of women’s shoes. Little did they know how large a market this would eventually become.

Following the end of Second World War, the 1940’s became a time for Clarks Shoes to be seen around the world. This led Nathan Clark to create the Desert Boot in the early 1950’s, influenced by the marketplace in Cairo. These boots popularity came from their simple comfort, and attitude. The Desert Boot was followed closely by Lance Clark’s creation named the Wallabee. The moccasin style shoe had a large fan base, and later came to be known as a Clark Classic.

The 1960’s proved to be a noteworthy time for Clarks Shoes. Their foot friendly, form fitting shoe set the standard for many shoe designs, including the children’s shoe market. The Clarks Shoe Company enjoyed much success in this market. While always keeping an eye on the future, Clarks continued to conduct technological research that led to the discovery of polyurethane as a soling material. It is lightweight, and indestructible. P.U. technology, as it was called, continues to be used today in many of the Clarks Shoes, including Active Air, and Springer’s. This new technology, coupled with the addition of air cushioning in the soles, secured the Clarks shoe brand as a one of a kind, comfortable shoe.

Today, the Clarks Shoe brand remains a leader in the shoe industry. They are the #1 shoe retailer in the U.K., as well as the leading children’s shoe brand in the U.K. Due to their global expansion; Clarks Shoes is the world’s #1 shoe brand. Clarks Shoes currently produces about 41 million pairs of shoes per year. Worldwide the company employs over 12,000 men and women, who tirelessly work to produce the high quality, comfortable shoes that Clarks has been known to provide.